5 Things That Bring A Smile

Hello Everyone!!

It’s been a minute since my last blog post and it feels good to be back for my first post of 2018! I’ve been spending some time working on a vision board and thinking about my personal goals for the year. I’ve never done a vision board so it’s been fun! I’m hopeful it will keep me motivated. Do you do anything like this with the start of a new year, month, week, or day? I’m always looking for new and different ideas.

While working on my vision board, I started thinking about what makes me genuinely happy. My thought process being that I need to incorporate that into my everyday- if possible. Some days that’s no easy task. While everyone wishes their life was the way it looks on social media we know that’s not reality. Life is tough, messy, and it will break your heart. But, for all the dark there is most definitely a lot of light. And that’s what I wanted to highlight for myself and encourage you all to do as well.

So Here Goes:

Five Things That Make Me Smile

My daughter, Ella– This sweet, independent, beauty is my greatest achievement. Even on my worst day she brings a smile to my face.

Coffee-This should not come as a surprise. Hence, the name of my blog. There is something so magical about holding a cup of coffee. It’s like a security blanket for an adult. Anyone else?

Quotes-The written word is so powerful. I have several quotes that not only make me smile but provide me with inspiration. The following is one of my favorites:

Beaches-Nothing makes me as happy as water, sand, and sunshine. Instant mood boost. I always say every vacation should include a beach ( or a pool). What is your vacation must have?

Dessert Making– I’m sure you have noticed the recipes I share are usually desserts. I love making desserts. There is something so therapeutic (for me) about baking/dessert making. Plus, I get to enjoy a dessert so it’s a win/win. My latest dessert was from a recipe I found on Facebook. Here is the link: https://www.wineandglue.com/cheesecake-cake-batter-dip.html

What are some things that make you smile?

If you need a pick me up give this a try. It was heart warming for me.


Pink Thoughts & Espresso Shots

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